Zoom Soft expose printing plates using a wide range of formats.
Usually, the quality level is 175 lpi, that the general standard used in the European Union, but through the contribution of research and development department it was reached the exposure performance of raster point to the screen rulling up to 420 lpi.
The exposed plates are carefully checked with an densiometer Micro Plate Reader, quality control system of printed forms developed in the company.
The exposure times are very small, a plate format 70×100 lasts 2 min and 5 seconds.
The exposure is made in register, the customer using less superfluous paper to printing machine for matching the register and much less for inking control. Because the environment in which it is made the exposure is constantly, there are customers who rebuilt a plate of a set 6 months after it was exposed and that plate matched like registry with the exposed set many months ago.
The exposure of printing films is made on a maximum width of 450 mm, at resolution to 1800 dpi and 150 lpi.
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